Bankruptcy Exemptions

When you decide to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are an incredible amount of benefits involved. This Chapter of bankruptcy can provide great relief if you are suffering from significant debt and are unable to catch up with what you owe. However, you may be concerned about all of the various property you must give up to take advantage of Chapter 7. Non-exempt property must be turned over to your bankruptcy trustee when you file, which one of our Atlanta bankruptcy lawyers at Khoshnood Law Firm, P.C. can explain to you in detail. There is a wide range of property which you can keep under this Chapter of bankruptcy. If you have any concerns about specific property, we would be happy to discuss this with you during your free initial consultation. However, the bottom line will be to decide whether the benefits of filing for bankruptcy outweigh the loss of giving up non-exempt property.

A few exemptions of property you can keep in bankruptcy may include the

  • Household goods
  • Vehicle
  • Jewelry
  • Business equipment
  • Homestead
  • Child support/maintenance
  • Burial plot
  • Pension money
  • Public benefits

Experienced Georgia Bankruptcy Lawyer

At our firm, we understand all of the various concerns you may have when considering filing for bankruptcy. We are here to address all of the specific concerns you have about exemptions and anything else. When you choose to hire us to handle your case, you may be pleased to know that we offer unlimited in-office appointments.

You will not have to worry about paying for each visit, allowing you to come in and discuss your concerns. Please reach out to the Atlanta bankruptcy attorney at our firm today at (404) 978-4411 with any questions you have about bankruptcy exemptions.

We also offer free consultations for your convenience.

Contact our team today!